Underwater Grout Bags and Grout Inflatable Formwork

Adiemas Services specialises in the design and fabrication of flexible geo-textile grout and gravel bags and other forms of inflatable formwork. These are used in both above ground and underwater applications and a custom engineered to suit specific applications. The applications include but are not limited to:
- Port construction counterfort unit vertical joint locking bags
- Underbed stabilisation and filling for precast shoreline seawall segments
- Gravel bags for locking structures together which are then liquid grout filled
- Undercut infill bags
- Bifurcation unit anchor bags
- Grout inflatable riser footing doughnuts
- Pipe saddle/anchor bags (up to 2.4m diameter pipe)
- Segmented corner/joining block infill bags
- Shaped mattress supports
- Underwater installed scour protection mattresses
- Pipe anchor and cover pads

- Port construction counterfort unit temporary works all welded infill panels

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Underwater inflatable pipe saddles, suface testing.
Usually se over large footprint under support bag

C Quay SC200 C Quay SC200-1

Critical, high profile turbidity containment of an underwater grouting operations where over 150 underwater grout
bags where employed to repair underscoring caused by passenger vessel azimuthing stern drive wash

For more information on this product range please contact us: