Choose Custom-Tailored Floating Water Containment Booms for Simplified Environmental Controls
When the need to separate two areas by creating a border exists on land, the most common solution is to build a fence. It might be a solid wall, barbed wire, basic wooden slats — the exact shape it takes will depend on the application. In a marine environment, it is obvious that one can't just build a fence on the water. Professionals rely on a floating containment boom instead. Though it looks different from the fences we know, it ultimately serves the same purpose while also offering just as much potential for versatile applications. Water booms create efficient barriers and can be used to hold silt curtains in place when controlling turbidity or reducing TSS to comply with regulations.
A boom experiences forces much differently than a dry land fence does. Tides and natural currents in the water often mean that a containment boom does not always stay in the precise position required for adequate site management. When a boom floats out of position, it creates costly delays for any project, as a pause in the work is often necessary while a crew moves the boom back into position. At Adiemas Services Pty Ltd., we work to create marine containment solutions that meet the high standards for efficiency and durability demanded by our clients.
Water booms to meet the demands of the job and the law equally
Deadlines seldom come with a large amount of leeway. Every project builds in some level of contingency for unforeseen circumstances, but delays caused by failed environmental controls can be especially troublesome. Regulatory penalties not only incur a financial cost to the project but can also push the crews on site to fall behind schedule. Having recognised that many standard products on the market result in adequate performance in high-demand situations, we built a new service out of a thorough understanding underpinned by industry experience.
From the anchors for our floating booms to the actual PP or HDPE construction of the containment skirt, we produce as much in our own manufacturing facilities in Botany as possible. We combine this bespoke production capability with a focus on providing answers to the tough questions about how to create efficient containment systems.
Explore the full range of our capabilities in this area today
No two water containment booms experience the same type of working environment. As a result, not every "off the shelf" choice will be a good fit for your operations. Using our experience to create the ideal product on demand is a core part of the service we provide to clients. With variety available in both boom type and materials used, we can deliver functional environmental controls to suit many purposes. Our thorough understanding of diverse marine operations, from salvage work to dredging and pollution containment, enables us to provide reliable solutions.