How Adiemas Services Raises the Bar for Floating Turbidity Screens and Barriers
When you buy a turbidity barrier from Adiemas Services Pty Ltd, you are taking advantage of more than 35 years of industry experience. Our company has been serving the marine construction industry since 1982.
Our first 15 years in business, though, were not independent. On the contrary, in our early years, we were working on the design and development of marine pollution response products for other businesses. It wasn’t until 1997 that we struck out on our own as an independent manufacturer.
The Evolution of Adiemas Services Pty Ltd
That first decade and a half was our crash course. It gave us invaluable background experience in port operations, ship salvage, marine construction, dredging and marine pollution. It taught us how to build floating turbidity barriers, and why they mattered so much for underwater environments.
Perhaps most importantly, those first 15 years taught us a thorough understanding of the inadequacies of many of the off-the-shelf products available marine pollution and sediment control. As a product developer, we began to see that many of the companies serving the niche of marine construction were demand-focused suppliers. In 1997, when we finally went independent, our goal was simple: we wanted to be a solutions-focused supplier.
Today, we want to be the supplier that marine construction companies choose because of the quality of our products. We want to be the company that dredging teams trust when they are tired of using turbidity screens that don’t contain silt or sediment, or that come loose midway through a project. In short, we want to be a reliable marine pollution control company—the supplier that businesses in this niche trust when they need solutions to their pain points.
Commission a Custom Turbidity Barrier for Your Team’s Next Project
At Adiemas Services, one of the lessons we learned in our first 15 years was that a lot of the off-the-shelf marine pollution control products were subpar. These products were trying to be universal solutions for everyone, but in marine construction, there is no such thing. So many different factors impact what constitutes the ‘ideal’ turbidity screen for any given project. From water depth to wind speed to current to wave patterns, there are variables to consider with every underwater construction, dredging or excavation job.
Adiemas Services addresses this fact by not going the one-size-fits-all route with our products. While we do manufacture more general use products, we focus on the customised design and manufacturing of floating turbidity barriers and other marine pollution control devices. We can craft a turbidity screen that is truly ideal for your site, rather than giving you something that is ‘close enough.’
Take advantage of our extensive background in the marine industry. After more than 35 years in this niche, we know turbidity containment and how to help enterprises and teams execute it for their project sites. To learn more about our custom floating turbidity curtains, please fill out the contact form on our website. We can also design standing silt curtains if that type of solution is more suited to your project needs.